Thursday 7 January 2016

Asian Region with Highest data traffic: A Good Start for ICT based Digital Economy

Asian region has the highest overall mobile data traffic with the share of 39.1% (Cisco VNI). This makes the Asian market highly relevant and beneficial region for ICT based digital economy. Factors and constraints to boost up R&D activities can be highlighted for sustainable future ICT in this region. 

Note: I have started working on it and I am at initial stage. If someone wants to collaborate with me in this idea or have any suggestions are always welcome.     

Saturday 2 January 2016

Exponential increase in Mobile Data Traffic & ARPU Decline

Advancements in versatile network technologies since 2012 have made us to utilize the network resources more than ever before. Our daily life applications are data hungry and that is the reason the exponential growth of Global Mobile Data Traffic (red dotted line) has been recorded and forecasted by Cisco VNI. On the other hand, the telecom industrial revenue for user applications like Voice, Messaging & Data is in continuous decline.